Where can Ukrainians travel without an international passport?
21 May 2021
From 2016 to date, 16,594,248 international passports have been issued in Ukraine.
The peak of the activity was registered in 2018 when Ukrainians received 5.5 million international passports on the back of the visa-free arrangement with the EU.
The quarantine 2020 say the lowest number of international passports issued in the five years, with only 1,696,479 Ukrainians getting them, against 1,855,999 in 2015.
Year | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
Passports | 1,855,999 | 2,282,035 | 3,059,397 | 5,559,231 | 3,653,225 | 1,696,479 | 343,881 |
Ukrainian international passports rank 41st in Henley & Partners Passport Index, which is the highest placement among the post-Soviet countries, excluding Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Ukrainians don’t need visas to travel to 130 countries of the world.
On some trips, an international passport is unnecessary, too, e.g., ID card owners can visit Baltic countries, Georgia, Turkey, and Qatar.
Source: Opendatabot
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