Nearly one million notarial forms for powers of attorney have been used in 2024

Notarial forms can become a target for fraud

9 September 2024

As of mid-August 2024, 4.7 million notarial forms have been used. Nearly one million, or 21% of these, were filled out for powers of attorney. Only one form has been reported stolen this year. You can check your notarial forms on the Opentadatabot website.

4.7 million notarial forms have been used since the beginning of the year. The record was set in 2021, when notaries used as many as 9.5 million forms. In the first year of the full-scale invasion, the number of forms dropped by 2.6 times. However, by 2023, the sector began to recover, with the number of forms increasing 1.7 times over the year.

This year, 21% or 994,000 of the used notarial forms were for powers of attorney. In comparison, 1.3 million forms were used for powers of attorney during the entire previous year.

Number of Notarial Forms for Power of Attorney
Total notarial forms7,370,4839,521,8433,582,3236,226,1024,718,070
Number of forms for power of attorney1,534,6861,708,845948,9981,331,623994,352

The largest number of forms was stolen in 2022–2.2 thousand. Since the beginning of this year, only one form has been stolen. Additionally, 2022 was also the leader in annulled forms, with 52 thousand canceled.

The use of counterfeit notarial forms is a common tactic among fraudsters. One of the schemes employed in these frauds involves canceling a form and then issuing a power of attorney on it.

To avoid falling victim to fraud, you can check notarial forms for free using Opendatabot. Corporate users can automate these checks via API directly within their system.

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