The number of illegal takeovers in January–October 2020 exceeded 2019's annual total
2 December 2020
In January—October, Ukraine saw 751 illegal takeovers—almost as much as over the entire 2019 (766 cases were filed that year).
At this rate, the 2020 annual figure will show an increase of 20% year-on-year. The total includes 71 criminal cases for misappropriation of the assets of businesses, institutions, or organizations (Art. 206, Pt. 2), 562 for document forgery (Art. 206), and 118 for obstruction of legitimate business activity (Art. 205). In 2020, 75 illegal takeovers on average happened every month.
«Less than 43% of illegal takeover cases end up in court every year. The good news is that law enforcement is doing a better job on this front in 2020: 45% more cases have been taken to court and 35% more charges have been served this year», — commented Opendatabot founder Oleksii Ivankin.
Illegal takeovers are a serious problem that harms the Ukrainian economy and impedes the development of entrepreneurship in the country. You can follow the illegal takeover dynamics in Ukraine on the dedicated Opendatabot page.
Source: Opendatabot
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