854 thousand company charters are available on Opendatabot

Opendatabot has granted Ukrainians access to company charters

16 September 2024

As of early July 2024, 1.3 million company charters have been registered in Ukraine, with 61% of them available to the public. These charters can now be viewed on the Opendatabot website.

854,000 charters of active Ukrainian companies are publicly available of these, 98,000 (or 11.5%) are model charters. Overall, 61% of the charters of all registered Ukrainian companies are now available through Opendatabot.

Charters of Ukrainian Companies

Company charters can be viewed in real-time as scanned documents.

It is important to verify the relevance of a charter before engaging in any interaction with a new partner or counterparty. For instance, before starting work with a company, it’s essential to check the director’s authority since the charter may include specific limitations. If the director acts outside their authority, any contract signed could be considered invalid.

You can check a charter by sending the company’s registration code to the bot. Access is free for corporate users.

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