Inaccurate Data Found in 99% of the Inspected Declarations of Officials

From 2022, false information in declarations will become a basis for imprisonment

26 July 2021

From 2017 to 2019, the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) conducted 2,123 complete inspections of the officials’ declarations and detected violations in 99% of cases or by 2,106 officials. Currently, declarations for 2020, which were filed by officials before April 1, 2021, are being inspected.

In 2019, the NACP detected 1,469 inaccurate declarations, which is the highest number in the last four years. In comparison, there were 469 deceptive declarations in 2018 and 141 in 2017.

Number of inaccurate declarations

On July 19, 2021, Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine, signed Law No. 1576-IX on penalty for false data in declarations. According to the new law, if officials have stated inaccurate information, they may be imprisoned for up to two years and lose the right to hold certain positions for up to three years. In some cases, officials must pay a fine and (or) engage in community service for violations.

The new law takes effect in 2022, which means that declarants who submit declarations this year may be held accountable for inaccurate information.

The delayed submission of declarations requires a penalty as well and resulted in 120 administrative protocols in 2019. It is 35% less than in 2018 (185 protocols).

The number of declarants who did not report the principal changes in property status (including the opening of a foreign currency account by officials or members of their family) in time increased twofold. There were 124 protocols related to that in 2018 and 250 in 2019.

Number of violations of Article 172-6 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses
Article 172-6, para. 11131185120
Article 172-6, para. 2017124250

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