How many companies are located in areas of active hostilities?
29 November 2024
180,253 ukrainian companies registered in frontline areas according to the Ministry of Reintegration. Of these, 14% are located in areas of active hostilities. The majority of these businesses are in the Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia regions.
Currently, over 1.4 million companies are registered in Ukraine. Of these, 13% are located in frontline areas—approximately 180,000 businesses.
You can verify the registration of companies and sole proprietors in temporarily occupied territories through Opendatabot.
Only 1,100 companies operate in areas of active combat where all state registries are disconnected. Another 25,000 companies (14%) are located in areas of active hostilities where state electronic information resources are functional. The majority, 153,000 businesses, are registered in areas with potential combat.
The Kharkiv region has the highest number of businesses registered among the nine frontline regions. Over 69,000 companies—more than one-third—are registered in this area. The Zaporizhzhia region comes in second with 32,000 businesses, followed by the Mykolaiv region with 27,000 businesses (15.2%).
Source: Opendatabot
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