Over 18,000 new companies have already been established in 2024

Top creative business names that emerged this year

23 August 2024

More than 18,000 new companies were registered in the first half of 2024, according to the Unified State Register. The majority are limited liability companies (LLCs) and public organizations. Using artificial intelligence, Opendatabot identified the 20 funniest names entrepreneurs have given their businesses, ranging from wartime trends to timeless issues.

Of the more than 18,000 new companies, 69.5% (or about 12,000) are limited liability companies (LLCs). In second place are public organizations, with over 1,700 registered, making up 9.7%. Charitable organizations come in third, with 1,100 new registrations (6.5%).

New farming enterprises and homeowners associations (HOAs) make up just 2.9% and 2.4% of the total, respectively.

The highest number of new companies were registered in Kyiv, with 5.6 thousand or 31% of the total. Next is the Lviv region, with 1.5 thousand new companies, making up 8.2%. The Dnipropetrovsk region rounds out the top three with 1.4 thousand, or 7.9%.

Opendatabot has compiled a top 20 list of the funniest names of new businesses created in 2024. The most creative names were found among charitable foundations and public organizations:

  • CF “Red Ivanivka Witches”
  • CF “Combat Cats”
  • PO “Tail Team”
  • CF “Cotton United”
  • PO “United by Narnia”
  • PO “Legs in Hands”
  • CF “Tireless Hedgehogs”
  • PO “Magic Kick”
  • PO “Gone and Done”

Cafés and restaurants also stood out with their names:

  • LLC “Bitch Love” (catering)
  • LLC “Spread with Honey” (catering)
  • LLC “At Uncle Ashot’s” (catering)

The list of the most creative businesses also includes:

  • LLC “Family Shrimp” (fish farming)
  • LLC “Samurai Bees” (aerial vehicles)
  • LLC “Anti-Orc Solution” (manufacturing)
  • LLC “Pes Patron Construction” (construction)
  • LLC “Mr. Packman” (waste recycling)
  • LLC “Carefree Elephant” (online store)
  • LLC “To and Fro” (transportation)
  • LLC “ST CosaNostra” (property management)

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