The business sold over 200 hectares of land after the market opened

Which companies in Ukraine own the most land?

22 January 2024

Since January 2024, the land market has opened for legal entities, but there haven’t been significant changes. Mostly, companies that owned a considerable amount of land are selling it rather than buying. Overall, companies have sold over 200 hectares of land since the beginning of the year, according to the State Land Cadastre.

Since January 2024, the land market opened for businesses. Now, companies can officially buy up to 10,000 hectares of land. Contrary to expectations, businesses started selling the land they already owned rather than buying new ones. In the first two weeks of 2024, companies have sold 207 hectares of land.

Currently, the State Land Cadastre is monitoring 281 Ukrainian companies, each owning land exceeding 100 hectares.

Which companies in Ukraine own the most land?

The agricultural company “SVITANOK” currently owns the most land in Ukraine, with over 5,000 hectares. In second place is the “DRUZHKIVSKE RUDOUPRAVLINNYA” PJSC management with 3,300 hectares, and “ZEMLETREYD” comes third with 3,100 hectares.

Among the top 10 companies that own the most land in the country, only “ZEMLETREYD” has sold 20 hectares since the opening of the land market. The other businesses have not conducted any land transactions so far.

Two companies have left the attention of the State Land Cadastre (DZK) and, consequently, dropped out of the top landowners since the beginning of the year. These businesses have sold off their land banks, leaving them with less than 100 hectares of land. These companies are “Dolina” and “Ekor Garden STS”. As of January 1, 2024, these companies owned 388 and 120 hectares of land, respectively.

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