Companies with Russian owners participate in the National Cashback program

Geography of businesses in the program

25 September 2024

Among them, three companies were owned by citizens of the Russian Federation at the start of the full-scale war, and one of these businesses is still owned by a Russian citizen. The majority of the companies participating in the program are registered in Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, and Lviv regions.

1,038 companies and 167 individual entrepreneurs are currently participating in the “National Cashback” program, which encourages consumers to purchase Ukrainian-made goods and receive a 10% cashback on their purchases.

Nearly a third of the businesses involved are in food production, with 326 businesses. Another 17% are in retail, accounting for 175 businesses. Wholesale trade ranks third, with 146 companies or 14% of the total.

Businesses from the capital participated most actively in the program, with 231 companies. Dnipropetrovsk region follows with 112 companies, and Lviv region ranks third with 96 companies. Kyiv and Kharkiv regions also made it to the top, with 87 and 76 companies, respectively.

The fewest businesses participated in the program from frontline regions—only 5 companies from Kherson and 3 from Donetsk. No companies from Luhansk joined the program.

However, three of these companies had Russian owners at the start of the full-scale invasion. Currently, all of them have removed any Russian ties. These businesses are located in Poltava, Cherkasy, and Odesa regions. Notably, the owner of the Odesa-based company acquired Ukrainian citizenship after the invasion, legally severing the company’s ties to Russia.

Meanwhile, one business participating in the National Cashback program is still owned by a Russian citizen, according to Opendatabot’s registry of companies with Russian owners. This company, LLC “EMBAWOOD UKRAINE”, manufactures furniture and is registered in Sambir, Lviv region.

Last year, the company’s revenue exceeded 180 million UAH, with a net profit of over 10 million UAH. Moreover, the business actively participates in government tenders. This year, the company has already won two tenders worth over 914 thousand UAH to supply furniture for a municipal enterprise in Kyiv and the State Road Agency of Ukraine (Ukravtodor). Notably, the company had issues related to its owner, connected to the aggressor country, even before the full-scale war in 2021.

It is worth mentioning that at the start of the full-scale invasion, 18.9 thousand companies were recorded with owners from the Russian Federation.

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