Updated: 17,488 companies in Ukraine are owned by Russians and Belarusians

How to find a company owner or beneficiary

15 March 2022

Opendatabot checked the data from the Unified State Register and counted the number of active companies where there is at least one citizen or resident of the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus among the owners, founders, or ultimate beneficiaries. As of February 24, the count was 16,896 companies like that.

Updated: As of May 24, Opendatabot found 592 more companies where owners or ultimate beneficiaries are Russians (14,224) or Belarusians (3,264). In total, 17,488 businesses like that currently operate in Ukraine.

Notes marking Russian/Belarusian owners are already available in companies’ profiles in the Opendatabot chatbot, on companies’ pages on our website, and in the API for banks and financial institutions.

How to find a company owner or beneficiary?
  1. Submit a company name or code.
  2. If Russian/Belarusian citizens are among the company owners, you will see a note in the company’s profile.

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