Over 18,000 trademark registration applications have already been submitted in 2024

Which companies submitted the most applications?

7 October 2024

267.6 thousand trademark registration applications have been filed in Ukraine since 2015, according to the Ukrainian National Office of Intellectual Property and Innovation (UKRNOIPI). The most common trademarks being registered are related to business activities, advertising, medical products, and educational projects. The company Roshen has submitted the most trademark registration applications.

267,692 trademark registration applications have been filed in Ukraine over the past 10 years.

Tracking company trademarks in Opendatabot

From 2015 to 2019, the number of applications increased annually, with a record high of 33,745 applications in 2019. However, with the onset of the pandemic, applications dropped by 17% to 27,883 in 2020.

The number of trademark registration applications declined sharply again at the start of the full-scale war, falling to 16,162—the lowest figure in recent years. However, by 2023, the number of applications rose to 25,000. This year, 18,008 applications have already been submitted within the first nine months.

Number of applications for trademark registration
Number of applications24,65429,60230,18130,90133,74527,88331,34816,16225,20818,008

As of 2024, the majority of trademark registration applications have been for advertising and entrepreneurial activities—accounting for 37.4% of all submissions. Education and entertainment services (13.9%) and trademarks related to pharmaceuticals, medical and veterinary products, and herbicides (11.1%) are also among the top requests.

The company that has submitted the most trademark applications overall is Roshen, with 1,396 applications. Other notable companies actively registering trademarks include Obolon, with 1,043 applications, and Rozetka.ua, with 886 applications.

Top 10 Companies Submitting the Most Trademark Registration Applications (2015 - 2024)
PlaceCompany NameNumber of Applications
1Confectionery Corporation «Roshen»1396
5Prime Liquor and Spirits Factory686
6Bayadera Logistic676
8TM Market604
10Production Association «Konti»571

In 2024, the leaders in trademark registration applications are GG.BET with 76 applications, followed by Obolon and Farmis LTD with 72 and 71 trademarks, respectively.

Top 10 companies that submitted the most trademark registration applications in 2024
PlaceCompany NameNumber of Applications
3Farmis LTD71
4Carlsberg Ukraine46
5Real Bargain44
6Delta Medical38

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