Registry of Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) of Ukraine

The registry was created in accordance with the recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the national legislation of Ukraine.

Who may benefit

Foreign banks and financial institutions when approving a loan or issuing funds involving Ukrainian parties

Governmental bodies and international organizations

Insurance companies when issuing a policy coverage for Ukrainian legal entities

Non-profit organizations and media, for research or investigations in the field of combating corruption and promoting transparency

How it works

One-time or regular client database check

Extended comprehensive check of the status of a politically significant person and their relatives

Integration with CRM/ERP system and updating information about the change in PEP status of a physical person from Ukraine


Compliance with regulatory requirements and rules on anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF)

Identification of clients with a higher risk level, potential involvement in corruption, bribery, or other illegal actions

Evaluation of financial activity and monitoring of transactions of PEPs and their relatives, to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and reduce potential risks

Reducing reputational risks. Control of financial transactions with relatives of politically significant persons involved in corruption or illegal activity

Compliance with licensing requirements for certain types of activities

National public figures are individuals who perform or have performed certain public functions in Ukraine in accordance with Ukrainian Law No. 361-IX of 06.12.2019 “On prevention and counteraction to legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime, financing terrorism and financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction”

PEP (Politically Exposed Person) is a politically significant person.

PEP includes politically significant persons (individuals who are national public figures, foreign public figures, figures performing public functions in international organizations), members of their families and persons associated with them.

The check is necessary to comply with the laws of Ukraine and to prevent corruption, obtaining money by politically significant persons in an illegal and unestablished manner, and for their subsequent declaration.

Given that there is no unified PEP register in Ukraine, Opendatabot has created its own PEP list, the basis of which has been many different official sources, and which meets the criteria of the current legislation.